Video Services


We endeavor to make every film a documentation of your success!

Sterco enjoys a proven reputation for showcasing some of the biggest industry names through its corporate films, for over two decades now. At Sterco, we understand your need, script the solution, do the story board, go for the live shoot or develop the animation with the only objective of showcasing your strengths and meeting your business goals. We provide all kinds of video solutions including Corportae Films, Whiteboard Animation Videos, Motion Graphic Videos depending on your preference and need.

Corporate Videos

We translate your company’s vision into reality with our thought provoking narrative and world class cinematic experience.

Motion Graphic Videos

Motion graphic animation videos is another medium to tell great stories in impactful manner and our team of professional script writers and motion graphic artists to present your idea in a creative and most inspiring manner.

Whiteboard Animation Videos

We have unparalleled expertise in whiteboard animation videos with our stronghold in illustrated story telling to get your message across to your potential clients in a powerful way.



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